Product Description:
Rich Fiber is a nutritional supplement made from vegetable and fruit powder. It contains natural ingredients and nutrients suitable for indigestion & chronic constipation. It helps relieve irritable bowel syndrome, works to remove toxins, increases the feeling of satiety, reduces appetite, helps in losing weight & boosts energy.
How to use:
For IBS or Constipation:
Children 2 to 4 years 1 tablespoon on cup of yoghurts.
4 to 12 years half of the sachet on cup of yoghurt.
12 years and above mix 1 sachet with 180 ml water, juice or milk before meals.
For weight loss:
mix 2 sachets daily before meals with water, juice or milk.
Caution & Warnings:
Contraindicated for patient that have wheat or oat intolerance.
Soluble and insoluble fibers , oligosaccharides, spirulina, apple pectin, oil palm fiber , wheat fiber, oat fiber.